[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11.05.2004:

>> print "<form name=\"test\" action=\"http://www.somewhere.com\";>\n";
>> print "   <input type=\"text\" name=\"frage_text\" size=\"100\"
>> value=\"$frage_text\" />\n";
>> print "</form>\n";
>This wasn't really the question, but... 
>If you have to write html within perl, use qq( ) instead of "".
>It's a lot easier to read, and much less error prone.
>print qq(
><form name="test" action="http://www.somewhere.com";>
>    <input type="text" name="frage_text" size="100" value="$frage_text" />

I did use qq{} quoting within the Perl script in the first place. My problem was 
related to quoting within a double-quoted HTML attribute, e.g.

<input value="This &quot;person&quot;" />


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