- Yes I am using DBI. That's perfect, I didnt realize they had this
functionality, but it makes alot of sense that they do. Thank you, thank

Wiggins D Anconia wrote:

> > I cant find a simple perl function to replace characters in a string. Im
> > trying to inserts strings like "bob's" into a database and need to convert
> > that to "bob''s" so that sql doesnt whine when i do an insert.
> > 
> > Any suggestions?
> > 

> There are regex's and the tr/y functions/operators? But in this case you
> shouldn't use either and instead use binding (assuming you are using
> DBI, are you?).  Binding allows DBI/DBD which is very smart decide how
> the data needs to be quoted rather than attempting to do this manually
> which usually just leads to problems.

> http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI-1.42/DBI.pm#Placeholders_and_Bind_Values

> Alternatively if binding can't be used, there is the 'quote' method for
> handling this specific task (on same page as above).

> http://danconia.org

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