On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 09:02:18AM -0000, PerlDiscuss - Perl Newsgroups and mailing 
lists wrote:
> Is there any easy way I can find out why the file cant be opened (is it
> permissions?).

Yes, print the error message that Perl provides in $!. For example,

    eval {
        open (LOGFILE, ">> log.dat") || die "Can't open log.day for writing: $!";
    if ($@) {
        $Msg = $@;

> Do I need to fully qualify the filepath?  if so how do I do that? Is
> it because I'm not allowed to have log files in the cgi-bin folder?

I don't think so if it's in the same directory as the cgi script. These
questions all depend on how your ISP has configured the webserver.


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