From: Catriona Pure Scents <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Hi Charles,
: thanks immensely.  As you can probably tell I am one of those
: people who pulled some scripts off the net to get me going,
: and insists on making alterations.

    There is nothing wrong with that. Many people run very
successful sites using that plan. is easily
the most visited RE site on line and they use an old Matt's
Script called WWW Board. It's old, its clunky, and hundreds
of posters a day don't seem to mind.

: Yes the script I am attempting to alter in this instance I
: located back in 1998.  I have made heaps of other
: alterations so it wouldn't be simple to go get the latest
: version.  :-((

    I got that impression, but I am obligated to point out
the merits of warnings and strictures. I think others on this
list would be disappointed if I didn't at least nudge you a

: By warnings I am presuming that you mean "use strict" etc...
: I have been asking on this list if someone can refer me to
: sites that have details on how to convert my current scripts
: and update them, it seems so totally different the way that
: scripts are written with the warnings.  any good books or
: sites that you can recommend?

   There's a book about this mentioned a few months ago on a
perl beginner list, but I can't find the post. Perhaps
someone else remembers the post or the book. I seem to recall
something about creating subs for each global variable.

    You may be looking at diminishing returns. Many slower
sites are less likely to be affected by security problems.
Hackers seem to like bigger fish. Putting a lot of effort
into converting an old script might not be worth your time.
Unless you think the experience will help in the long run.

: I looked through the perl docs about that and couldn't find
: anything.  I haven't looked through about perl join though.

    It sounds like you need to learn more of the basics before
you start converting a large script. If you have the time, try
to solve some of the problems asked on these perl beginner
lists and compare your answers with those given by the more
experienced contributors.

: I need to set up my old pc for that.  The site I have is run
: on Unix so I have a friend who is setting up the old pc for
: unix, perl php etc so that I can just go ballistic and test
: everything offline, make mistakes, try things, but at the
: moment I don't have that luxury while they have my old pc.

    I do something similar, but with Apache on Windows XP.

: Theoretically if the site stats can tell where someone came
: from...then http_ referer would be env_var.  So why wouldn't
: it work throughout the site itself?

    I'm not sure I understand your question. What do you mean
by "work throughout the site itself"?


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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