> Hi,
> a friend of mine uses a certain directory to upload files to. This
directory has write permissions for all, since his cgi script has to
store the files in it.

This is a common myth. The directory only has to have the permissions it
needs, how much control you have over the directory and the box is going
to determine that, as well as what other users need access to the same
files.  In general the directory will have to be writable "by the user
the web server is running as".  In many cases this will be an 'apache'
user, an 'httpd' user, sometimes 'nobody', etc. but depends on the
system, the installation, and configuration of the web server software.
In the case that other users on the system need write access to the
directory as well, a good approach would be to create a new group, add
the web server as well as the other users to the group and then provide
group writable permissions to the directory.  Regardless you are leaving
the web server open to writing to a directory, which really isn't as big
a deal as people make it out to be.  No server is secure, period. Having
said that, you can limit your exposure, for instance make sure the
directory where the files are stored is not script aliased so that
anything uploaded can be executed, additionally move the directory out
of the document root so that anything uploaded can't even be served
directly. Make sure that the archaic 'PUT' and 'DELETE' methods aren't
accepted by the web server.  
> He does not believe that this could be a security issue. Is there a
simple method to delete something from this directory (or write
something to it without using his script) to prove him wrong?

Try the 'PUT' or 'DELETE' request methods.  It *is* a security issue,
*but* is it the biggest one? Is it worth the effort versus the risk? 
Only he (and you) can decide...


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