On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Xiangli Zhang wrote:

> In my perl cgi(say sequence.cgi), i want to call an
> installed perl script application (phredPhrap under
> directory /usr/local/bin).
> I use system("phredPhrap"); to call it in my cgi file.
> When I run my cgi file at command terminal
> "phredPhrap" is executed, it works, but at web
> browser, "phredPhrap" was not executed actually.
> How may call phredPhrap? Anybody can give me some
> suggestion?

You may have to give the full path name for phredPhrap

> system("phredPhrap");

eg, system ("/usr/somewhere/bin/phredPhrap");

phredPhrap is probably in you path for the command line, but that's not
appropriate for a cgi script


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