Or how about this?

use File::Copy;
print "<html>\n<pre>\n";
copy "myfile.txt", \*STDOUT;
print "</pre>\n</html>\n";

- B

> Hello!
> An example would look like this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> my $file_loc = "bla";
> my @file;
> if (open(FILE, $file_loc)) {
>   @file = <FILE>;
>   print header;
>   print start_html();
>   print "<pre>@file</pre>";
>   close (FILE);
>   print end_html();
> } else {
>   print header;
>   print start_html();
>   print "<h1>Cant open file: $file_loc</h1>";
>   print end_html();
> }
> Hope it works ;)
> Luka
>> Od: "Sun, Jian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Datum: 2004/08/10 Tor PM 10:52:05 GMT+02:00
>> Zadeva: How to display a Text file using web browser under CGI
>> Dear all;
>>     Could anybody help me to figure out How to display a Text file using the
>> web browser in a CGI program?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Jian
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