Ahhh.... I've always used a Mac and it apparently does, but this will be a problem since I'm porting to a virtual server (unix based). I don't know if server tracks file creation dates. I suspect not because I could not find anything in my perl or unix books that reference it.

I'm sure there is some valid reason for not tracking file creation dates but I fail to figure it out on my own. This seems to be a basic piece of file info that would certainly be needed from time to time.

I guess I'll need to devise a method to do this myself. Since the files will be created by my perl program I can probably solve this by placing an epic second stamp in the file name itself. If anyone has a better idea please let me know.

Thanks for the insight,

Bill Stephenson
On Aug 17, 2004, at 11:09 PM, Charles K. Clarkson wrote:

    The question we need to ask is "Does your file
system track File Creation Date?" Many file systems
don't. The -C function in perl does /not/ return
the file creation time.

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