On Tuesday 24 August 2004 16:25 zentara's cat walking on the keyboard  wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:57:58 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luca Ferrari)
> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >I'm using a perl cgi program as interface for a backup shell script. The
> > bash script, which uses cdrecord to  burn a cdrom, works fine, but when I
> > call it from the perl cgi it reports errors. In particular cdrecord says
> > there are errors (but not what). I've called the script with a quote:
> >@output = `recordCD.sh`
> >and in fact the script starts, but I believe there's a problem of
> > permissions. If I run manually the shell script from a non-root user it
> > works, but maybe it does not works with apache given privileges. Any
> > idea?
> non-root users have more priviledges than the apache user priviledges.
> The apache user is as low as you can go, so directories that you write
> to must be "world-writable" or 777.

In fact, I was confused by permissions on a link /dev/cdrecorder without 
taking into account permissions on the real device, /dev/hdc. 

> Your best bet is to run apache with "suexec" enabled, which allows you
> to run CGI as a real user from a ~/public_html dir.   Suexec is usually
> automatically enabled, if it's found in the path.  Search the web for
> "suexec" for discussions of how to use it.

I'll try to understand how to use suexec.

Luca Ferrari,

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