> > I inherited a perl CGI application that uses the
> integer primary key
> in the
> > Microsoft Access database fabricate as the file
> name of  flat text file to
> > hold arbitrary amounts of text. It just dawned on
> me that this is a bad
> > idea! If we compress the database, all those
> unique integer keys will
> > change!

You need to rethink the problem, if indeed there is a
problem.  Maybe I just don't understand what you are
saying here, but it seems as if you think that your
database key is going to change if you compress ...
what? ... the database itself?  And then you will
uncompress it, and it will be as it was before the
process.  And by "integer keys" I suppose you are
referring to an autoincrement key, which is available
for every database that I know of.  

So, either you didn't specify the problem so that it
could be properly understood, or you are asking a
question which could simply be answered by trying the procedure.

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