I'm writing a cgi application that exploits cgi::session, but it seems as I'm 
unable to overwrite some parameters. Consider the following code:

sub clearSession{
    # get local parameters
    my ($_cgi_, @_toDelete_) = @_;
    my ($_sessionID,$_session,$_username_,$_config_,$_permissions_,
    my ($_page_,$_current_page_,$_tmp_);

    # get the current session
    my $_sessionID = $_cgi_->cookie('CGISESSID') || $_cgi_->param('CGISESSID') 
|| undef();
    my $_session = new CGI::Session( undef(), $_sessionID, {Directory => 
'/tmp'} );

    $_page_         = $_session->param($_PAGE_KEY_);
    $_current_page_ = $_cgi_->url(-relative=>1);

    # is the user on the same page?
    if( $_page_ ne $_current_page_ || ! $_page_){
        # the page has changed
        $_username_       = $_session->param($_USERNAME_KEY_);
        $_config_         = $_session->param($_CONFIG_KEY_);
        $_config_         = $_session->param($_CONFIG_KEY_);
        $_permissions_    = $_session->param($_PERMISSIONS_KEY_);
        $_original_root_  = $_session->param($_ORIGINAL_ROOT_KEY_);
        print FILE "\nentrato!\n";

        $_session->param(-name => $_USERNAME_KEY_,        -value => 
        $_session->param(-name => $_CONFIG_KEY_,          -value => 
        $_session->param(-name => $_PERMISSIONS_KEY_,     -value => 
        $_session->param(-name => $_ORIGINAL_ROOT_KEY_,   -value => 
        $_session->param(-name => $_PAGE_KEY_,            -value => 
    elsif( not $_page_ ){
        # the page is not yet defined
        $_page_ = $_current_page_;
        $_session->param(-name => $_PAGE_KEY_,-value => $_current_page_);

I'd like to call this function on each page of my program, in order to clean 
the session from dirty data when the user changes the page. However, even if 
I'm able to write and change a few parameters, and I'm sure that the 
subroutine does the first if, the $_PAGE_KEY_ variable is never changed from 
its initial value. I'm sure $_current_page changes, because I print the same 
value on the page, thus I can see it changing, but the value in the session 
never changes.
Any idea?


Luca Ferrari,

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