> I have a CGI program in which I am trying to access a database. When I
run the code in active state feeding it the input from the form it runs
fine. When I try to run it as a cgi from IE using Apache web server the
data from the form comes in fine but it can not seem to attach to the
> Is there anyway to see the errors that the DBI:ODBC is generating when
the application is being run from the server? Any ideas why the ODBC
connect is failing?

You can use CGI::Carp and 'fatalsToBrowser' to have fatal messages
thrown to the browser, alternatively error messages are generally sent
to the Apache error log.  Check there for what they have to say. You
could also turn off DBI's automatic exceptions and catch them yourself,
but this is a fair amount more work (at least while prototyping).
> $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:ODBC:$SERVER", $USER, $PASSWORD);

Sorry can't help with the connect issue, I suspect if you can find the
error output it will.  If not you might try the dbi-users group or maybe
someone else with ODBC experience will chime in.


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