From: "Siegfried Heintze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What is the difference (as far as security goes) between using a cookie
> a hidden field? Are hidden fields cached if we are using SSL? I think not.

Both have the same security.
A hidden field is simpler to be viewd by a user, but a cracker can see them

> If I use a GUID as a session ID in my database and store the GUID in a
> hidden field and the user sees the GUID in some GET parameters, is this of
> any consequence?

No, no problem, but it depends how you define that hidden field.
For exemple, don't use as hidden fields autoincreasing numbers but always
use random strings.

> Someone recommend that I don't persist cookies. How do I not persist
> cookies?

Don't put an expiration date and they will  not be persistent.


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