On Fri, 3 Sep 2004, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

This might be helpful for more users, because a system admin can create automaticly a special dir where the users can put their config files, and "insert" that file in httpd.conf.

After that, every user can create its own config file, with any variables they want (their names should not be only "user" and "pass"), and after that chmod that special dir in order to be viewd only by the root.

This is all nice to know, but it doesn't appear to have anything at all to do with the questions that the guy was asking.

He wants web site user accounts, with control &/or a record of who is doing what in the database.

He wants some kind of database connection persistance.

He is not trying to set environment variables in Apache.

It isn't obvious how setting variables like this gets him anywhere near the stated requirements of the system.

Chris Devers      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

np: 'Christmas Freud'
     by David Rakoff
     from 'This American Life: Lies, Sissies, and Fiascoes'

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