Perl v5.6.1

Trying to easily create some variable based on the current month and links to the two
previous months.  The filename(s) are based on two digit months MM-YYYY-Filename.  I 
have the
filename part working but I need some guidancd on creating the MM-YYYY.  I have seen 
perl modules that I could install to implement a solution but I think that is an 
just to make create a current month, previous month and two months ago variables.

RedHat ish OS Cobalt RaQ4i to be specific....

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);

$current = "09-2004-Filename"
$previous = "08-2004-Filename"
$current_2 = "07-2004-Filename"

Does anyone have a simple solution?


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