Sean Davis wrote:
Slightly off-topic, but....  I have a script that dynamically
generates a table.  Within this outer table, I have in each cell
another table with 1 row, with each cell having a background color
and containing only &nbsp entity.  I would like to make each of
these inner cells a fixed width, but if I set width=16 (for
example), the cells do not have this minimum width when generated.
Instead, the outer table just goes to 100% width (shrinking the
inner cells to a smaller width).  I can alter this behavior by
setting the width of the outer table in pixels, but this requires
calculating the width, something that I thought web browsers and
HTML were designed to avoid.  What am I missing to force the &nbsp
cells to (at least) a fixed width?

The width attribute for cells is deprecated. Try setting table width for the inner tables instead.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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