It looks like in your "install" command, you have only a single colon
between CGI and Session.  Try 'install CGI::Session'.

At least one of the examples worked for me in the recent past.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Stephenson
Sent: 10/11/2004 1:03 PM
Subject: CGI::Session

Could anyone provide a working example of a simple script that uses 
"use CGI::Session;"

I've tried playing with the examples at:

And either they are way out of date or I'm just a complete dufus...

I got errors starting with this line in my test script:

        use CGI::Session;

So I tried installing it with cpan using this line:

        cpan> install CGI:Session

And got this error:

        Warning: Cannot install CGI:Session, don't know what it is.

So I tried using this in my script instead:

        use CGI-Session;

The error went away but I can't seem to make any headway. I'd send my 
test script but none of it is working and I don't think it'd help much 
because it's based on the docs that are not up-to-date (or I'm just a 
complete dufus...)


Bill Stephenson

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