Hi All,

I've been trying to find a web form spelling checker written in perl but have yet to come across a good working example. It would seem to me that this has probably already been done, but I just can't seem to find one. I found some stuff that uses "aspell" and "ispell", but I doubt that I can get those to install on my virtual web server. I also found "Net::Google" on CPAN, but I had a hard time coming across an example CGI perl script that checks spelling on web forms. I finally found an example perl shell script from John Bokma that uses "Net::Google" and used that as a starting point to work from.

So far I have a simple CGI script that checks spelling on the first 10 words of a single form field.


I thought I'd post it here for reference sake, but if anyone has anything else, or something that they know of, I'd be thrilled to take a look at it.

Also, if anyone is interested in working on making this more flexible and dynamic than what I've got so far, I'd sure welcome the help.

Kindest Regards,

Bill Stephenson

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