Thanks for mentioning that H::T has "debugging options" -- I didn't realize this. I've looked at H::T on CPAN and found that much of what is there is over my head. A debugging option sounds like just what I need. I'll go back to the docs on H::T and see if I can figure them out!

On Sep 29, 2004, at 9:28 AM, Wiggins d Anconia wrote:

I am not so sure about that. Can you post the *actual* template,
especially line 13? Your previous message said that that was a typical
line from the template, was that the actual line that was causing the
problem? Can you verify that the data hash is not the problem, by
pulling the code to read the template (aka the constructor) into its own
script and see if it still dies? Have you tried enabling some of the
debugging options that H::T provides? It appears that it will give very
verbose indication of what it is doing which might help narrow down the
problem. It would help to narrow down to the exact line what part of
your script is failing, from the error it still seems like it is during
template construction.

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