This doesn't have anything to do with CGI so would be better directed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] instead....

> I have been studying W/R to files...
> W/R to a string and to an array.
> and I must say I think I have it.
> I can read a file into an array IF i wrote the file using "\n" between
vars, yes????

Yes and know. You don't have to have any newlines in the file to read it
into an array, but all of the content will appear in the first element
of the array in that case.  Reading/writing a file is lower level than
that and doesn't specifically care about the contents.... having said
that, if the file is read/write in a manner that will allow buffering
you might have to have flushing turned on.

> and I can read the entire file into a string (to later be split) by
using delimiters like ","    yes???

Again delimiters don't affect the reading. However by using delimiters
you can allow any string to be split.

> I have some data files that hold lists (like cities) that I want in an
> and some files that hold a collection of vars (name, city, color,
cartype, etc) that I want to delimit and later read as a string ($Slurp)
and then ($name, $city, $color, $cartype, $etc)=split (",",$Slurp)
> my question is if I write a file using delimiters like ","  can I
later read the entire file into a string and then
> @Cities = split (",",$Slurp) ??????

Assuming they were all on one line.  In this case I would suggest
putting each city on its own line and reading the file at once into an
array, no split would be needed.

> but how do I read a file that used the "\n" and then split it later???
> right now i wold have to
> open file...
> @Array=<read entire file into @Array>
> close file
> and then...
> $name=$Array[1];
> $city=$Array[2];
> $color=$Array[3];
> $cartype=$Array[4];
> $etc=$Array[5];
> there must be a better way like ?????
> $name, $city, $color, $cartype, $etc)[EMAIL PROTECTED];

The above will work, you can also store it directly from the <HANDLE>
since it is list context, but in that case you need to be sure the file
has the right number of lines.

> of can I split using the special var $\ or \n as a delimiter????????

I believe you mean $/ which is the input record separator. For more
information on it see the INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR section in,

perldoc perlvar

Essentially it sets the delimiter used when Perl reads the file to
automagically delimit it.

> ?????????? am I making the example clear?????????
> or am i trying to do the impossible?

Nothing is impossible ;-). Not sure about the clarity though, some
sample code and an example file would be helpful.

> Comment WITH example correction welcome..
> the above syntax may not be completely correct....
> but it gives you the please dont crusify me for it...
> Lou

I would suggest some further reading on the subject first, 

perldoc perlopentut
perldoc -f open
perldoc -f split
perldoc -f readline

Also check out the "I/O Operators" section of,

perldoc perlop


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