On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 05:51:06PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> just spent absolutely days re writing all my html file into php with
> css & includes for reusable page elements. only to find that my perl
> script won't run the css or the php includes.

A CSS @import (assuming that is what you mean by a CSS include) is
client side. What software you use to generate your client side code
is rather irrelevent. Perl should not a be a factor in this not
working. (Of course it is possible you are generating invalid content,
or sending a Content-type header that claims the CSS is something
other then CSS, but that is impossible to debug without seeing the

As for Perl and PHP; they are different tools to do the same
job. While it is theoretically possible to configure your server to
chain together PHP and Perl interpretors (thus generating HTML from
PHP, but generating the PHP from Perl (or generating Perl from PHP and
the HTML from the Perl) this isn't something I'd want to do as it is
overly complex and inefficient.

Once you get down to it, there isn't anything you can do with PHP that
you can't do with Perl (and vice versa), although some things might be
easier in one or the other. I suggest you pick a language and stick to
it. (Perl is a good choice :D )

> the newbie at perl & php.

If you are a PHP beginner AND a Perl beginner then its even more of a
bad idea to try to use them both at the same time!

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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