I use the object-oriented interface pretty much exclusively. There are good examples of creating a popup menu in the documentation for CGI. (You know about http://search.cpan.org?) Also, there are multiple websites describing use of CGI.pm. I would suggest that you start with a simple cgi script using CGI.pm that does nothing other than create a popup menu. Use your web browser's view source command to see what is generated and then try to modify your CGI script to make the HTML appear as you like. Other modules that you might find interesting are Class::DBI and html::fillinform


----- Original Message ----- From: "Lewick, Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 2:51 PM
Subject: question about doing it right in CGI

Hi all, I have been using perl for sometime for CGI scripts, but have always used the print content-type:html version of doing things.

I would like to learn a better way with the CGI module, but when I read
the docs I find it pretty easy to get confused as to whether I should
use the object oriented method, or the functional method.

Also, because my script is a cgi form that gets some of the select
fields from a mysql database, I am not sure how to convert that over.  I
don't know how I would make the select field work the same.

I am not asking for someone to rewrite my project, merely provide me
with some examples of how they would write the same code using the cgi
module so I can figure this out a bit better...

On my form, I am querying a database for a list of names and loading
them into a select box.  But I found out people want to enter more than
one name at a time, so I loop through 15 times, and they can select up
to 15 names...  They select a name, but I store the name's id, so it
acts as a lookup field...

Here is how I do this now..
#Connect to database
print "<table>\n";
for (1..15) {
print "<td nowrap>\n";
$query_teams=("select id, name from teams");
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query_teams);
$sth->bind_columns(\$id, \$name);
print "<select name='away_team$_'>"; #$_ traps which pass of the loop
we are in i.e., 3rd pass, 4th pass, etc
print "<option value='0'></option>\n";
while($sth->fetch()) {
print "<option value='$id'>$name</option>\n";
print "</select>\n";
print "</td>\n";
} #end for loop
print "</table>\n";
#disconnect from database

How would I start to convert this with the CGI module.  My problems thus
far are on a popup menu, how do I specify the field variable that I grab
is the ID, while the displayed value is another, and how can I say the
first value should be 0, in case they do not enter anything?

Thanks in advance,

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