In my perl script I have put my javascript code in a separate file with the
extension of js. I reference it with a javascript tag in the HTML. I have
some code in there that is not in a procedure: it just executes prior to the
body of the page loading as inline statements.

Now I discover I need some of those URLs in my external javascript file to
change depending on some perl parameters.

This is not a procedure so I cannot just change some javascript procedure
parameters. Perl does not process this file so it won't do the variable
interpolation I want either.

Below is the code that is causing the problem.

I think the only way to resolve this is to cut the code below and move it to
the perl code where I can use interpolation (which I would prefer not to do
because it will really clutter up the main program -- oh well).

Can anyone suggest a better approach?


if (document.images) {
  one_on        = new Image ();
  one_on.src    = "";;
  one_off       = new Image();
  one_off.src   = "";;
  two_on        = new Image ();
  two_on.src    = "";;
  two_off       = new Image();
  two_off.src   = "";;
... // more of the same

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