I am sending a text file with SQL statements via Form to a CGI.

I am trying to make the file as a one line (and deleting extra spaces too), to later split them using the ; as delimiters.

The problem is that after the operation, no lines are stored in the array.

Any idea about what is happening?

  use CGI;
  my $cgi_this = new CGI;
  my $str_file = $cgi_this->param('file');
  $str_file =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
  my @arr_sqlqueries = split (/;/, $str_file);

- I hope is not an other B&B (basic and blind) error -


J. Alejandro Ceballos Z. | -------------------------------+------------------------------ http://alejandro.ceballos.info | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | |

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