Ing. Branislav Gerzo wrote:
Marek Kilimajer [MK], on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 15:59 (+0100)

MK> Just my idea, not sure if it will work: use urlrewriting to catch all
MK> requests with one script, in that script read the original request, call
MK> it and catch it's output. hope you understand me :)

no, I don't. Which original request ? You are talking about apache ?

User requests /cgi-bin/

De to the rewrite rule (yes, apache) will execute /cgi-bin/ instead.

In you wil find out what is the original request, it should be available in some env variable I don't remember. It's /cgi-bin/ in this case

Then you open a connection to the localhost, repeat the request with the same headers, read in the responce and do whatever transformation you need. Or you can do a subrequest, I think it's posible in perl.

This is just an idea. I'm not fluent in perl, I do php. The difficult part is the rewrite rule, you have to be carefull not to make an infinite loop - request from must not be rewritten again to /cgi-bin/ You can filter by IP address, subrequest, maybe other options.

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