On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 16:06:42 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>         while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array())
>         {
>                         Tr( td( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ));
>         }
> );
> $sth->finish();

There are a couple of things going on here...fetchrow_array returns a
normal array--unlike selectall_arrayref, which returns a reference--so
you need @row, not [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The logic also gets a little more complex
than I usually have luck getting CGI.pm built-in functions to deal
with.  For instance, you've put the closing paren on the table before
the while loop, so your Tr(td(..is hanging in space.  print and
old-fashioned HTML are probably going to be your friends here.

I would do something like this:


print "HTML for your table headers" ;

while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
     print "<tr>", map {"<td>$_ </td>"} @row, "</tr>\n"
     # or:
     # print "<tr>", map {defined $_ ? "<td>$_ </td>" :
"<td>(null)</td>"} @row, "</tr>\n" ;

print "</table>\n" ;




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