2:48pm, Robert wrote:

I have a form that is submitting and the url ending is "?position=BSIPL". My
form has "method="get"" in it. I have tried it without a method as well.

I have in my CGI:

my $pid = $q->param('position');  # which should now hold BSIPL right?

My SQL is as so:

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
   SELECT position_id, dstrct_code, authty_type,
       authty_given, authty_sevrty, authty_rule,
       authty_low_lim, orig_ctl_flag, authty_upp_lim
   FROM msf872
   WHERE position_id = ?

I run the CGI through "perl -cw" as well as having "use strict" and "use
warnings". I get no errors but I also get no data back when there is data.

Any suggestions?

Have you looked at the value of $pid itself, or just run it through your SQL? In other words, first figure out if it's the parameter being passed to your CGI, or if it's your SQL. Don't try to debug both at once.


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