
$q->param( table => "vendors" );  # INCORRECT
$q->param(-name=>'table',value=>'vendors'); # CORRECT

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ron Wingfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 2:40 PM
>>Subject: Fw: Modifying Parameter Values
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: Ron Wingfield 
>>Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 2:25 PM
>>Subject: Modifying Parameter Values
>>Hello all,
>>First-timer here.  Please be gentle.
>>I'm posting this question on the Beginners List because the 
>>answer is probably going to be perfectly clear, once I understand it.
>>I've read a lot of doc's, etc. regarding passing parameters 
>>between html documents via the parameter-pairs listed in the 
>>query string of the url.  Additionally, Guelich, Gundavaram 
>>and Birznieks' book, "CGI Programming" (2nd. ed., O'Reilly & 
>>Assoc., 2000), p. 94, explain how to "add" a new parameter to 
>>the query string via the url, e.g., the results of executing 
>>the following instruction:
>>   $q->parm( title => "Web Developer" );
>>will appear as "&title=Web+Developer" in the query string.  
>>This works, but the authors suggest that a parameter can be 
>>"modified" and/or "deleted", too.  I have assumed that this 
>>means that the parameter value in the url's query string can 
>>be (should be) modified as in changed?  I cannot change a 
>>value, or delete a parameter from the query string in the 
>>url.  If for example, I have a parameter, "table", that 
>>originates in pgm-A but is not assigned no value, then when 
>>the parameter is presented to pgm-B, the query string has a 
>>value of "&db_name=cookbook&table=&etc=etc".  Notice that 
>>"&table=" is not associated with a value.  If I execute an 
>>instruction such as:
>>   $q->param( table => "vendors" );
>>. . .the result is:  
>>"&db_name=cookbook&table=&etc=etc&table=vendors".    Notice 
>>that the operation did not change the value of the existing 
>>"table" parameter, but "pushed" or ADDED another 
>>"table=vendors" pair onto the query string.   Also, as the 
>>authors suggested, I have tried to execute:
>>   $q->delete( "table" ); 
>>. . .but this will not delete or otherwise remove the "table" 
>>parameter from the query string.  Also, I've been scanning 
>>through the source for, and apparently there is not a 
>>packaged subroutine for something like "$q->modify( "table" );".
>>Ron Wingfield
>>FreeBSD 4.8  --  Apache http 2.0.28 -- MySQL client/server 4.1.7
>>Perl 5.8.5 -- p5-DBD-mysql-2.9004 driver -- p5-DBI-1.46

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