--- Denzil Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Once the script figures out which page it should go
> to, I dont want to have to do this:
> if ($page == 1) { &page1() }
> if ($page == 2) { &page2() }
> if ($page == 3) { &page3() }

As mentioned previously, CGI::Application is a good choice for this
sort of problem, but you can also use a dispatch table.  In this case,
assuming we're using a hash:

  my %dispatch = (
    new    => \&new,
    edit   => \&edit,
    delete => \&delete,
  my $action = $cgi->param('action');

  if (my $action = $dispatch{$action}) {
  else {
    # die or go to a default page

Solutions like this is generally easy to understand (particular when
using named actions).


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