Following is the code used in my CGI script. 

my $query = $dbh -> prepare("SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE ID = '$ID'"); 
$query -> execute(); 
while (my @row = $query -> fetchrow_array()){ 
print "$row[1] - $row[2] - $row[3]<br>"; 

What If I want to remove dupes from @row? like if $row[2] is similar in 
multiple records, only one entry should be showed, the duplicates should not 
appear in the print. 

I am aware of grep, but unable to implement it here in While loop. 

@row = grep {++$count{$_} < 2} @row; 

I am also aware that Unique keys can be added within mySQL database, but that's 
un-do-able due to some reasons. I want to remove dupes within the script.

Any ideas? 

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