> All,
> My script goes like this...
> --------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> $cmd = "cat file_one";
> $content = qx!$cmd!;
> print "$content";
> --------------------------------------
> I have a case where file_one is not in the same directory. So I give the abso
> lute path of file_one
> in place of file_one. 
> When run it using perl on command line I get the contents of file printed cor
> rectly.
> But when accessed through browser (cgi-bin), I get nothing printed.
> I thought it might be path problem , but it is not. Because when the file is 
> in same directory,
> it prints the content of the file.
> Can anybody let me know where I am going wrong?
> tapas

First: Check permissions.  Can the webserver process (probably running
as a de-privileged user) read that file?

Second:  Is your webserver running in a chroot(2)ed environment, such that
/path/to/file_one is not valid from within its context?

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Lawrence Statton - [EMAIL PROTECTED] s/aba/c/g
Computer  software  consists of  only  two  components: ones  and
zeros, in roughly equal proportions.   All that is required is to
sort them into the correct order.

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