>>>>> "Wert," == Wert, Nathaniel J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Wert,> Please excuse my lack of knowledge in this subject.  The original script
Wert,> executes every statement and in the process, it erases the file when it
Wert,> does the open and then proceeds to not write to the file at all.  Is the
Wert,> text that is supposed to be written to the file stored in a buffer while
Wert,> the program is executing?  I am using the standard Perl mods that came
Wert,> with SuSE SLES 8.0 (perl 5.8).  Is there an upgrade that I sould apply?
Wert,> I assure you that this is the problem.  I change the sleep 1; to
Wert,> system("sleep 1"); and the script runs perfectly.

Then the system() is also forcing a flush of all filehandles.  You can
avoid the external process using the method I gave earlier.  It's
not the "sleep".  It's the lack of unbuffering.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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