Yuanxin wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a lot of data, which are all x-y values. I stored these data in MySQL 
> database. Now I wanna use Perl to get these data from database to build a 
> figure(2-dimensional) and people can use internet to see the figure. In 
> addition, when people see the figure via internet, the x-y value of a point 
> need be shown when mouse is dragged on one point of the figure. In my system, 
> I already install Perl, Perl::DBD::Mysql, CGI, Perl:DBI. So I just wanna know 
> any other Perl:Module should be installed for my case. Thank you very much!
> Terence

Doing the mouse over part may prove difficult, it is client side. You
might want to look into the GD::Graph module to help you with generating
the figures.  There are other modules available to do graphing with as well.



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  • Help wanted Yuanxin
    • Re: Help wanted Wiggins d'Anconia

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