I made a CGI that must send a piece of code to screen, otherwise, must return a redirect command (is a banner CGI)

What it is stange to me is that the construction:

# ....blah, blah above
# Returns code or redirect to the page
print ($str_codetoreturn)
   ? $cgi_this->header().$str_codetoreturn
   : $cgi_this->redirect(-uri=>$str_redirecto);
# end of cgi

sends a "premature end of headers" error; but:

# ....blah, blah above
# Returns code or redirect to the page
if ($str_codetoreturn)
  { print $cgi_this->header().$str_codetoreturn; }
  { print $cgi_this->redirect(-uri=>$str_redirecto); }
# end of cgi

works fine.

($cgi_this is my CGI object)

Why is this?


       J. Alejandro Ceballos Z. |
 http://alejandro.ceballos.info |

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