I'm trying to package a perl script photo gallery (salonify), both for
Debian and general distribution.  The Debian package installs
systemwide--the script goes into /usr/lib/cgi-bin, and the supporting
files into /usr/bin, /usr/share/doc/salonify, etc..  

I imagine the majority of people who might want to use my program will
want it under their home directory, however, and grab the tarball off
freshmeat or elsewhere.

Is there a "standard" way to do the home directory installation? Most
perl-cgi tarballs I see just have a bunch of files and expect the user to
move the files to their proper destinations. I'm somewhat familiar with
Makefile.PL but that seems to be more about making modules rather than
end-user programs.  

I'd like to have the same makefile for both systemwide and local
installation with different targets for each. The user would unpack the
tarball, and then either "make install" or "make local-install" (or
something along those lines), depending on whether the files were
supposed to end up under their home cgi-bin or systemwide.

Does this make sense? Are there any best practices in this area?  
Adam Rosi-Kessel

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