             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             am.net>                                                    To 
             Sent by:                  beginners-cgi@perl.org              
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                                       Re: perl cgi scrolling list within  
             08/12/2005 09:13          a forloop                           

On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 13:32:39 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>                       foreach (@ARRAY With H strings)
>                       {
>                      print ('htapes99',[$_],5,'true',my %attributes);
>                        }
>It prints to the intranet with the scroll lisyt but it is not printing the
>actual H strings. Instead it is printing the array structure lie so:

All you need to do is dereference them and do whatever you want with

  foreach my $aref (@ARRAY With H strings)
       my @arr = @$aref;
       print ('htapes99',  @arr   ,5,'true',my %attributes);

Of course you will probably want to make a nested loop
to loop thru @arr instead of just printing it.

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.


Derek B. Smith
OhioHealth IT
UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

I was able to get it working without a foreach loop by using:

my @H99tapes = ( ## .. ##);

print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'imported_tapes',
                        -values=>[EMAIL PROTECTED],
print   $q->submit(-name=>'action',-value=>'Delete'),

##--## Recover the new tape(s) from the Scroll List parameter
'imported_tapes' ##--##

my @imports = param('imported_tapes');

My original problem was I wanted to use splice to dynamically re-populate
an array or hash based off of what the user selected through this scroll
list, but could not get this to work.

Here s the pseucdode I am using:

as H numbers are submitted by user from a scroll list
remove selected elements from @H99tapes
repopulate new list into @UserH99tapes
print @UserH99tapes


as H numbers are submitted by user from a scroll list
remove selected elements from @H99tapes
repush remaining elements into @H99tapes
print @H99tapes

Any ideas to help me with this problem?
basically dynamically splicing an array or hash.  Note each element
contains unique data, H[0-1000] strings for example.

                                ##--## BEGIN IMPORT
                                ##--## AS H NUMBERS ARE SELECTED, REMOVE
                                ##--## REPOPULATE LIST INTO NEW ARRAY,
PRINT NEW ARRAY.                     ##--##

                                my @tape_imports_to_del =
$q->param(htapes99); ##--## SELECTED BY USER ##--#
                                my $tape_count = scalar
@tape_imports_to_del;  ##--## COUNT            ##--##

                                foreach (@tape_imports)

thank you,


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