my @present = ('perl', 'perl/chat', 'php', 'php/forums', 'php/counters', 
'perl/search/scripts', 'php');

# Getting Results for mySQL query in hashref.

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) 
if (grep /$row->{CAT_TITLE}/, @present) {    
#matching title with @present elements
print "$row->{CAT_TITLE}";

Question is how to do EXACT matching using GREP? because the above code prints 
every element from array for 'php' if the $row->{CAT_TITLE} is 'php' it prints 
php/counters, php/forums and every element containing php.

How I am supposed to do Exact matching that if $row->{CAT_TITLE} is 'perl/chat' 
it should pick only 'perl/chat' from @present.

I saw the Unix man pages and did other searches and found '-x' switch to use 
for exact matching with GREP and '-e' switch for pattern matching but dont' 
know how to incorporate it within my code.


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