"Charles K.                                                   
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To 
             .net>                     <beginners@perl.org>                
             09/13/2005 01:19                                              
             PM                                                    Subject 
                                       RE: Use of uninitialized value      


: do you want me to seed the entire program..... it is over 700
: lines? it on lines 246 for eaxmple.  And anywhere I assign a
: variable to a q->param construct such as $which_import and
: $which_radio_button.

    You could send us a working example which produces the same
error. Snip out the irrelevant parts of your script. There is a
chance that you will find the error as you write the example code.
That's happened to me more than once. :)


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328


I'd rather send the whole thing b/c I also would like a critique as well.
Here she is!

thank you


(See attached file: ASM_monitor.pl)

Attachment: ASM_monitor.pl
Description: Binary data

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