On Oct 18, 2005, at 10:08 AM, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:

Right, but the script exits immediately. I *suspect* the complete
request must be sent to the web server regardless of whether the script
is going to fail. Exiting immediately just means that CGI will not allow
execution of anything beyond its initial preparations, rather than
meaning it will truncate the request.

Well, I tried this:

      if (($POST_MAX > 0) && ($content_length > $POST_MAX)) {
$self->cgi_error("413 Request entity too large -- POST_MAX is:: $POST_MAX -- Your POST was:: $content_length");

It was fun hacking CGI.pm for the first time, but my changes did not make a difference. So then, I guess you're right, the script must wait for the server to get the entire file before doing anything with it? I did not understand that before...

That's kind of sucky, I mean that you can't interrupt the request with the script being called.

Anyway, thank you for helping me better understand this Wiggens, I can move on now ;)

Kindest Regards,

Bill Stephenson

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