--- Dermot Paikkos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to access the parameter list from a form. I keep getting 
> a "Not an ARRAY reference at (eval...)". The error seems to refer to 
> my @names = $q->param;

I suspect you're off by a couple of lines:

  my @names = $q->param;
  my $params = Vars;
  my $len = @{$params}; # $params should be a hashref

Vars() returns a hashref, not an array ref.  Also, if you're going
through the trouble of fetching the param() list, why use Vars?  Vars
is to provide compatability with old cgi-lib scripts.  Becuase it
separates values with null bytes, you run the risk of exposing you code
to a security hole known as the "null byte hack".  I explain the latter
in lesson three of my CGI course: 


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