Hi all,
   I have a login screen login.pl which calls another application
sampleEntry.pl.  The login and password are passed to a multipage Sample
Entry program as CGI parameters 


These two parameters are used in one of the pages to login to a MySQL
database, and are passed back to sampleEntry.pl when that program is
reloaded to create a new record. 

   Hidden, which I am trying to use to pass these two parameters around, is
a complete mystery!

   My previously reported performance degradation apparently came from
misusing hidden. In those days, there was just one application. Once I
learned I could use it to pass parameters to fields which appeared on one
page and not the other, I used it liberally throughout the program.  It
appeared to have some very strange effects -- namely doubling the number of
fields each time it was used on a page on which the fields appeared!  This
wrecked havoc with my performance.

    Now, however, it is a complete mystery.  I call sampleEntry with the
login and password, and work my way through the application until I get to
the page which connects with the database.  At that point, it connects even
though I do 

        my $login = param(-name=>'Login');
        my $password = param(-name=>'Password');
print "login = $login",
print "password = $password",

        $DBH = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:meadowRue:localhost", "$login", 

just before doing the database connect.  

Output;  login =
         password =

But the database connects!!!!

Then, when I try to pass the value of login back to sampleEntry, which is
being reloaded to start a new record,  the value of $login is seen to in
fact be null.

How should I be passing these parameters?  SampleEntry has multiple pages
but no explicit Login or Password textfields.


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