I did interact with paypal server last year, 
The attachment is the asp source (sorry for Chinese comments), you can refer it.

As you following, http status 200 responses suggest the paypal server works 

You can test IPN system in sandbox.

Good luck with you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Denzil Kruse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 2006年3月15日 6:57
To: beginners-cgi@perl.org
Subject: Sending back an http 200 response

Hi all,

I'm try to interact with another server.  It sends me
a post (I think) and I catch it with my cgi script. 
But, it wants me to send back a 200 response with just
OK in it.

How do I do that?  Do I have to use the HTTP.pm and
set up a handler?  I was hoping to use CGI.pm, but I
guess that it's too late by then.  If I do have to set
up a handler, what about the rest of the posts sent to
my server?  I only want to handle the ones from that
other particlur server (which is pay pal by the way)

Paypal's help said this:

"PayPal's IPN system expects your web server to send
an HTTP 200 response when the IPN is sent to your IPN


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