On 5/23/06 5:09 AM, "Dennis G. Wicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sean Davis wrote:
>> Dennis G. Wicks wrote:
>>> Greetings;
>>> I have discovered that under some conditions QUERY_STRING is set and
>>> under other conditions QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED is set. I can detect
>>> these conditions but I can't find out how to get the contents of
>>> QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED transformed to the form it would be in
>>> QUERY_STRING in a variable that I can parse and process with the same
>>> routines I use when QUERY_STRING is set. I don't want to have to write
>>> a separate routine for each case.
>>> CPAN has been no help, nor any of the various tutorials and
>>> documentation sites.
>>> Has anybody encountered and solved this problem already?
>> I think you are looking for the CGI module.  If you are finding yourself
>> writing $ENV{....}, then you are not using the CGI module, and you
>> should be, probably.  There are many tutorials on using the CGI module
>> and the documentation is fairly comprehensible.  The CGI module will
>> take care of parsing the query string (for GET requests) as well as POST
>> data, all with the same interface.
>> Sean
> Sean,
> Thanks, but no cigar. CGI and several modules on CPAN will
> process QUERY_STRING but I can't find any modules that do
> anything with QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED. And unfortunately, it isn't

In what environment are you seeing QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED?  It is not
usually available in a CGI environment, from some quick reading.


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