On Sun, 2006-25-06 at 00:14 +0500, Sara wrote:
> Need help to remove EVERY thing (non-alphabets, symbols, ASCII codes etc) 
> from a string except for a-zAZ, 0-9, dash and underscore.
> $string =~ s/??????
> Thanks,
> Sara.

By dash, I assume you mean ASCII character 0x2D.

English version:

  $string =~ s/[^-0-9A-Za-z_]//g;

Non-English version:

  use locale;
  use POSIX;

  $string =~ s/[^-[:alnum:]]//g;

  perldoc perlretut
  perldoc perlre
  perldoc locale
  perldoc POSIX


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   --- Shawn

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