On 08/07/2006 07:43 PM, Mary Anderson wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to create an exit button which, when pressed, triggers code to clean up my application and then go to the index.html page. It is my understanding that the redirect function will take me there. Here is the key piece of code:

         print redirect (-location=>'./');

Here is the result -- nothing happens but a statement is printed out --

Status: 302 Moved Location: ./
How should I be doing this?

Mary Anderson

Relocation headers are supposed to have absolute urls, e.g.

print redirect(-location => 'http://my.site.com/');

Read the HTTP specification:

And read the CGI.pm documentation:
perldoc CGI

The relocation header must be output as part of the HTTP headers, that is, before any HTML text is output. An HTTP message consists of an HTTP header followed by an HTTP body (which is usually in HTML).

The HTTP headers should never appear in the browser; they affect browser behavior but are not supposed to be visible, so if you see "Status: 302 Moved Location: ./" in the browser, something else is wrong.

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