David Bear wrote:
I'm trying to put a client side redirect with http-equiv refresh. I'm using
the syntax:

my $req  = CGI->new();

print $req->header( "text/html" );
print $req->start_html( -head=>meta({-http-equiv => 'refresh',

In the above line the call to meta() is a function call, but you have started out with the object syntax. So you likely haven't imported any of the function lists, so you either need to import the correct list, or switch to the object syntax,


                -content => '1;URL=' . $req-refere()}));

Note you probably need $req->referer in the above line...



but I get an error:
Undefined subroutine %main::meta called ....

This seems to be what is documented on cpan. I must be missing something
simple. Any ideas?

David Bear
College of Public Programs at Arizona State University

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