On 01/10/2007 02:48 PM, Slawomir Orlowski wrote:
Thank for you suggestions and help. I surely appreciate it.

I don't think that is possible. Cookies are restricted to the domain of the server that creates them. As you found out, you'll have to use a query string (a GET parameter).

If that is the case, what is the meaning of -cookie parameter in redirect if not to redirect cookie to different domain ?

print $cgi->redirect( -cookie   => $cookieOut,  -location => $domain2path );

Where is this documented in "perldoc CGI"? I can't find it.

require "cgi-lib.pl";
I've never used cgi-lib.pl, but it sounds like very old, outdated and perhaps buggy software.
it is old but is working great it is used only to collect value from HTML forms

You got it. That the correct way to pass this value between different domains. A post request would also do but is unnecessary.
So you cannot pass cookie to different domain using redirect even redirect have -cookie parameter ?


From http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2965.txt :
   3.3.4  Sending Cookies to the Origin Server
   Domain Selection
      The origin server's effective host name MUST domain-match the
      Domain attribute of the cookie.

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