Perl crashes when using the included script for large data files. How can I prevent this from happening?

Kindest Regards,

Bill Stephenson

Sample data source is a Delimited text file with the following fields:


DV:043712:20882903:DVD-ALL THE KING'S M('06/WS/2D:8.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043712:20883071:DVD-ALTERED (2006/WS):8.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043712:20883070:DVD-AMERICAN PIE 5-NAKE(UR/WS:32.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043712:20883253:DVD-BROOKLYN LOBSTER (WS):2.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043704:20882903:DVD-ALL THE KING'S M('06/WS/2D:16.00000:WCDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043704:20883071:DVD-ALTERED (2006/WS):8.00000:WCDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043693:20882903:DVD-ALL THE KING'S M('06/WS/2D:24.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043693:20883071:DVD-ALTERED (2006/WS):8.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043693:20883070:DVD-AMERICAN PIE 5-NAKE(UR/WS:24.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043693:20883092:DVD-ZOMBIE NATION (2006/WS):4.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4
DV:043670:20882903:DVD-ALL THE KING'S M('06/WS/2D:8.00000:ECDC:Hlyw:4



use strict;
use warnings;

# set-up our variable....

my $source = "dataSource.txt";
my $destination = "testOUTPUT.txt";

my $fmt = "";
my $storeno = "";
my $co = "";
my $dc = "";
my $zone = "";
my $store = "";
my $tikey = "";
my $title = "";
my $qty = "";
my $text1 = "";
my $text2 = "";
my $output = "";

my @stores = "";

# start the work...

open my $IN, $source or die "Can't read source file $source: $!\n";

# put all the stores into an array (@stores)...
my @lines = <$IN>;

foreach my $line(@lines) {

($fmt, $store, $tikey, $title, $qty, $dc, $co, $zone) = split(/:/,$line);
        push @stores, $store;

# remove duplicate stores from the list...
my %seen = ();
my @uniq = ();

foreach my $item (@stores) {

    unless ($seen{$item}) {
        # if we get here, we have not seen it before
        $seen{$item} = 1;
        push(@uniq, $item);

# for each store in our @uniq store list we look for
# lines in our file that have a matching store

foreach my $uniqStore (@uniq) {

        foreach my $line(@lines) {
($fmt, $store, $tikey, $title, $qty, $dc, $co, $zone) = split(/:/,$line);
# if they match we create our entry for the destination file....
                if ($store eq $uniqStore) {
$text1= "Street Date $source \n". "Company $co \n". "Distribution Center $dc \n". "Zone $zone \n". "Store Number $store \n\n";
                        $text2 .= "$tikey \t $title \t $qty\n";
# then add it to the final $output.
        if ($text1 ne "") {
$output .= "$text1$text2\n####################\n####################\n\n\f\n";
        $text2 = "";

# and finally print all out

# print $output; #for debugging

open(my $DATA, "> $destination")
    or die (" Error 1.3 Couldn't file:: $destination for writing: \n");

print $DATA ($output);

close $DATA;

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