> I am stuck here, I want to get list of dates in a certain range. Like:
> Start Date: 2007-01-03 to End Date: 2007-05-30
> I am pointless here as what should I do in order to get all dates between
> start and end? Is there any for, foreach loop or other method? that will
> generate a list of dates:
> 2007-01-03
> 2007-01-04
> 2007-01-05
> 2007-01-06
> 2007-01-07
> .............. and so on to
> 2007-05-30
> Any ideas will be appreciated.

If you have Date::Simple, this should start you off

use Date::Simple (':all');
use strict;

my $date  = Date::Simple->new('1972-01-27');

print "$date\n";

for (my $i=1; $i <=10; $i++){
my $date = $date + $i;
print "$date\n";


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