On Saturday 09 May 2009 7:43:45 pm Adam Jimerson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am wanting to put something together where every time the script executes
> it looks into a set directory for photos and then builds a web page with
> those photos, or even a enlargeable thumbnail of the photo, in kind of a
> photo album way.  I don't know if something like this can be done in CGI or
> not, and figure I would ask and see what everyone here says before I give
> it a try, if it is possible maybe someone would have any tips or pointers
> that would be helpful.

photo albums are a common CGI application , I think there may be some CPAN 
modules  all ready written that  handle  lots of stuff for you.

Writing one from scratch is a good learning experience  ,  You can  take a 
modular approach or do a monolithic  script .

Some stuff you might want to include is a template system like HTML::Template 
and Image magick or perl magick image manipulation programs  , to  do stuff 
like resize images making  thumbs of full size images.

a lot of code is out on the net , do a search  to start out  and  you will see  
the diffrent approaches to  this.

A lot depends on  your  server , and what they will permit . If you have 
control then  you can do just about anything CGI wise.

good luck 


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